

This book by author Tim Wilhoit, Methods to Mastering Sales, Save Your Fork, Your Best Sales Are Yet to Come , was written to help any sales professional, insurance agent, realtor or small business owner self-brand in the new millennium. This book will cut 2 years off of your learning curve when it comes to networking, social media and using technology.

Methods to Mastering Sales

As a professional sales person, do you ever feel as if the world of technology and sales is moving so fast you just can’t keep up? You hire folks to do your social media, email marketing and you purchase their leads to find you don’t understand what you are paying for or how it can be quantified? This is the book for you… Methods to Mastering Sales, Save Your Fork, Your Best Sales Are Yet to Come was written to bring your sales methods into the 21st century. This book will help you with branding yourself regardless of what you sell. It has a nice “How To” appeal to learn networking, build relationships, master social media, and manage time with a timeless, proven blueprint to limitless success in selling.  Tim Wilhoit uses his storytelling skills to help any sales person in any industry increase their production by learning important methods of selling and taking advantage of technology. Let’s face it, everything in business is sales. Now is your time to become the Master.


Tim Wilhoit first Book interview with Live2cre8 Host Shane Almgren


Add Methods to Mastering Sales, Save Your Fork, Your Best Sales Are Yet to Come to your library, sales team or book club today. Watch instant results that are tested and proven to work by author Tim Wilhoit. Please visit my author page on Amazon.


About the author, Tim Wilhoit is owner/principal of Your Friend 4 Life Insurance Agency in Nashville, TN. He is a family man, father of 3, grandfather of 1, entrepreneur, insurance agent, life insurance broker, employee benefit specialist, salesman, sales trainer, recruiter, public speaker, blogger, author and team leader with over 29 years of experience in sales and marketing in the insurance and beverage industries.