

5 Stages of Business

5 Stages of Business

I was in an interesting training this week about the stages of business. As an entrepreneur, I found the statistics interesting. Of the Fortune 500 companies in 1955, only 55 are still in business today. The trainer discussed the evolution that every business goes through and why the business thrives, survives or expires. Here are Continue reading

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7 Words Overused in Sales

7 Words Overused in Sales

I was in 2 different training classes this week and ironically both speakers were explaining sales words that are overused or improperly used by Americans every day. The most powerful speaks in history actually had the fewest words. For example, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address only used 272 words and it was one of the most powerful Continue reading

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Who Has Time to Blog?

Who Has Time to Blog?

A question I get from business owners and insurance agents a lot is who has time to blog? My answer is me and you. We all have the same exact 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Entrepreneurs that write weekly blogs do it because it is an important marketing strategy. Blogging builds an Continue reading

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