

The 9 Steps of Modern Day Selling

The 9 Steps of Modern Day Selling

A lot of entrepreneurs have amazing ideas of products and services that solve a litany of problems. So, why do most fall short? Most entrepreneurs are great at inventing, but really fall short in selling. The selling part is as important as the inventing part. You can build the world’s greatest mouse trap, but if Continue reading

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Why Build a Team?

Why Build a Team?

I hear from a lot of sales people and insurance agents that want every piece of business for themselves to maximize commissions. They don’t want to share their knowledge or their leads. I also hear from those that only want a team, so they don’t have to work as hard. They want others to do Continue reading

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To Thine Own Self Be True

To Thine Own Self Be True

As the famous line from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet states, to thine own self be true. This is so important in business. We now live in a world with corporate executives lying, politicians’ lying, government officials lying and our news media lying all in the name of profit and power. Our society has lost its Continue reading

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Where Is Your Enthusiasm?

Where Is Your Enthusiasm?

Enthusiasm is a key ingredient in a business success. Without it, all of the knowledge, skill and planning won’t keep the business from failing.  Napoleon Hill once quoted enthusiasm bears the same relationship to a human being that steam does to the locomotive. That is a very powerful but overlooked statement. Without steam the Continue reading

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