

5 Stages of Business

5 Stages of Business

I was in an interesting training this week about the stages of business. As an entrepreneur, I found the statistics interesting. Of the Fortune 500 companies in 1955, only 55 are still in business today. The trainer discussed the evolution that every business goes through and why the business thrives, survives or expires. Here are Continue reading

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What is Your Why?

What is Your Why?

I recently saw a short video of Damon John of Shark Tank fame talking about why. He said that he didn’t find success until he found his why. Why we start a business and what we want to accomplish in that business cannot have success without your why. Your why becomes your passion which Continue reading

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Do You Use a Business Survey?

Do You Use a Business Survey?

I am curious as to how many small business owners use a business survey. In other words, sending out a quick rate my business with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. We all see this a lot with big national brands, especially online vendors. Everything from “how did we do?” To “how Continue reading

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What Do You Say?

What Do You Say?

I am always curious about what different people say when meeting a new person at a social event. This is especially true at a business networking event. Is it just a boring question that everyone else asks? “How’s it going?” “How are you?” How’s business?” “How’s life treating you?” All of these ice breaker questions Continue reading

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Are You A .300 Hitter?

Are You A .300 Hitter?

A good friend of mine brought up a great point in a discussion about giving a little extra to grow your business or in my case insurance agency. He is a big baseball fan and personally I’m a football fan. I am somewhat of a statistics geek so I do love his analogy. He brought Continue reading

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