

How Many Messages Should I Leave?

How Many Messages Should I Leave?

In today’s world of communication is a voicemail sufficient enough? What is acceptable when trying to get in touch with a prospect? Prospects do screen your calls with Caller ID, especially the first time called, because they don’t recognize the number. What other steps can a salesperson or insurance agent take to reach a potential Continue reading

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10 Tips To Build Loyal Customers

10 Tips To Build Loyal Customers

Salespeople and insurance agents seem to spend more time on finding new customers to sell than upselling their current clients. Why is it important to sell to your current clients? The answer is LOYALTY. Loyal customers are still clients, but are also referral sources for more new clients and loyal customers. Let’s explore 10 Continue reading

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What Makes You Special?

What Makes You Special?

I know our mothers always told us we are special growing up, but do your prospects and clients think that as well? If you are selling the same product and service as scores of other businesses offer, what makes you special? Why would anyone buy from you, when they can buy the same thing from Continue reading

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