

Do You Need A 28 Hour Day?

Do You Need A 28 Hour Day?

Are you one of those business owners or insurance agents that just can’t finish because you run out of time? If only there were more hours in a day. What if you had a 28 hour day? Do you seem to not have enough time to market your business  properly because of too many distractions in your way to truly succeed? Are emails, phone calls, voicemail, social media, spouse, children, and hobbies all just too much to overcome? You are not alone. We live in a society of instant response. Clients want a response to your email within a few minutes, even at night during family time. We usually oblige the client through our trusty smart phone at the kid’s game or the dinner table. It takes an hour just to start your day to read emails, text messages, and Facebook status. How can I get everything done?

The answer is really simple. You have to budget your time like you budget your money. Make every minute of every day behave. You have to start living by your calendar and stay on task. I schedule family time first and fill the rest with work and then play time. Everything goes on the calendar. I personally use Google calendars. I like it because it automatically syncs to my Outlook calendar for backup and my Android phone which is always on me. I schedule my tasks days in advance and I stay on them. I also schedule a little float time to account for emergencies every day and if I make it through that day without an emergency, I have a task list that I tackle during that budgeted time. If I miss something, I schedule into the next available time slot.

One of the best tricks I learned is to start each day 30 minutes early. I use this time to complete a project or blog or training piece that I never seem to have the time for. When I say start 30 minutes early, I come in and work on that project only. No text messages, emails or voicemails are checked. Come in and work straight on the project and nothing else for those 30 minutes. Don’t you dare peek at your email. That is where the distractions begin. If you read one and respond to one, the next thing you know your 30 minutes is gone. If you start this practice daily at the end of the week you will have dedicated two and half hours weekly to things you always thought you couldn’t get accomplished.  Where would your business be in a year from now with an extra 120 hours dedicated to the things you knew you should be doing but never had the time? That’s right 30 minutes a day is 10 hours per month or 120 hours per year. That is three full work weeks for most folks. That’s even better than a 28 hour day. Do what your competition is only dreaming they could do and laugh all the way to the bank. Here’s to your success!

Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your  life, or master your time and master your life.“–Alan Lakein

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Tim Wilhoit is owner/principal of Your Friend 4 Life Insurance Agency in Nashville, TN. He is a family man, father of 3, entrepreneur, insurance agent, life insurance broker, salesman, sales trainer, recruiter, public speaker, blogger and team leader with over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing in the insurance and beverage industries.

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