

How to Monetize LinkedIn

How to Monetize LinkedIn

I see there are a lot of ways people monetize LinkedIn. Seemingly there are several ways to accomplish this. I see people that purchase LinkedIn ads to sell or recruit. I see those that post direct selling into certain groups. I see those that connect with other business people in their market to bombard them Continue reading

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5 Problems with Social Networking

5 Problems with Social Networking

So many people are on social networking today. Be it Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. It is a huge part of our lifestyle now. Business people, salespeople and insurance agents all know the potential of finding business using social networking, but almost everyone does it wrong. Here are 5  problems using social networking Continue reading

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What Do You Say?

What Do You Say?

I am always curious about what different people say when meeting a new person at a social event. This is especially true at a business networking event. Is it just a boring question that everyone else asks? “How’s it going?” “How are you?” How’s business?” “How’s life treating you?” All of these ice breaker questions Continue reading

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The Art of Customer Service

The Art of Customer Service

There really is an art to good customer service. After all, bad things happen, items don’t go where we want, all people don’t communicate well and some have really bad employees. None of this is an excuse not take care of the only person in business that matters, the customer. Without a customer spending their Continue reading

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The 9 Steps of Modern Day Selling

The 9 Steps of Modern Day Selling

A lot of entrepreneurs have amazing ideas of products and services that solve a litany of problems. So, why do most fall short? Most entrepreneurs are great at inventing, but really fall short in selling. The selling part is as important as the inventing part. You can build the world’s greatest mouse trap, but if Continue reading

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How to Meet Any Client

How to Meet Any Client

I am often asked by insurance agents how to meet with certain people that are impossible to reach. Those prospects that are large enough and valuable enough to have a gate keeper. That lovely individual that answers the phone or greets your cold call with the infamous “will he know what this is Continue reading

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