

How to Monetize LinkedIn

How to Monetize LinkedIn

I see there are a lot of ways people monetize LinkedIn. Seemingly there are several ways to accomplish this. I see people that purchase LinkedIn ads to sell or recruit. I see those that post direct selling into certain groups. I see those that connect with other business people in their market to bombard them with messages. In other words, there are a lot of ways to monetize LinkedIn, some are successful and most I believe are failures. However, I use LinkedIn to be introduced to those business people that I can make money.

LinkedIn is by far the best networking tool online if you learn how to use it. Once you master it, you can be personally introduced to anyone you want to meet. Keep in mind first you will need to spruce up your LinkedIn profile. Next work on your connections. Connect with people you either know or will form a relationship with, because having a great LinkedIn network is critical. Below is a brief written step by step instruction to getting those valuable introductions.

On your LinkedIn home page is a search bar.

  • Click on the Advanced Search
  • Type in Keyword or Person’s name and company
  • Search in 1st and 2nd connections to cut down on time
  • Use Location zip code and distance if you wish to work close to home
  • Click Search and a very long list of prospects will appear if using Keyword
  • Click on the person’s profile, LinkedIn will show you to the right who you know in common

Now that you have found the person you wish to meet and who you know in common, it is time to call all of those you know in common. Ask how well they know this person, it may take a few calls. When you find that person that knows your person, ask for a personal introduction over coffee, lunch or dinner, depending how valuable that person would be to your business. Remember to get to know them personally. Do not make this a sales call. Use this meeting as a get to know you first meeting. Think of it as a blind date. You would never ask a blind date to marry you, so don’t present. Build a relationship first and then ask for a sales appointment. If you learn to use LinkedIn in this way, you will monetize LinkedIn beyond your wildest dreams. Happy connecting!

“My Golden Rule of Networking is simple: Don’t keep score”.– Harvey Mackay

Image by cooldesign at www.freedigitalphotos.net


Tim Wilhoit is owner/principal of Your Friend 4 Life Insurance Agency in Nashville, TN. He is a family man, father of 3, grandfather of 1, entrepreneur, insurance agent, life insurance broker, employee benefit specialist, salesman, sales trainer, recruiter, public speaker, blogger, author and team leader with over 29 years of experience in sales and marketing in the insurance and beverage industries.


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