

What Defines Us?

What Defines Us?

I saw a meme from Brian Tracy this week that made me think, what defines us? In our materialistic society, success is usually defined as money, power, titles, beauty and degrees. But is that really the definition of success? Most can argue that it is difficult to be a success without some of those things, Continue reading

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Appreciation versus Expectation

Appreciation versus Expectation

One of my favorite quotes by Tony Robbins is “trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole world changes in an instant”. This is so true if we choose to live our life this way. When we live with expectations, a lot of the time we find disappointment, but when we are grateful for everything Continue reading

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Why Reflection is Important

Why Reflection is Important

We always hear from the successful business folks and life coaches to focus on the future and do not dwell in the past. However, I do not believe that is entirely accurate. Jesse Ventura was quoted as “Learn from history or you’re doomed to repeat it.” Without reflection, how can we possibly learn from our Continue reading

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Don’t Give Up Your Dreams

Don’t Give Up Your Dreams

You meet so many people that just settle. DirecTV even has a commercial out poking fun at settlers. People that become complacent because of their surroundings. Your environment has nothing to do with who you are or what you can accomplish. Our whole lives are between our ears. We are creators, God made us that Continue reading

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What Impresses You?

What Impresses You?

Today we live in a very materialistic society. We tend to judge people by the clothes they wear, the cars they drive or the house they live in. Is that what impresses you? As human beings, we tend to make up our mind about someone new in less than 10 seconds. How they carry themselves, Continue reading

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