If you are an outside sales person of insurance, real estate, widgets or cars, see how you stack up with other sales people. Answer these 10 questions.Take the Quiz now.
I see self-employed people and small business owners struggle with what is referred to as how to get your business name out there in the market place. People cannot buy your products or services if they have not heard of you no matter how good you are. There are multiple ways to get your business Continue reading →
For those regular readers of my blogs, you know how much I am into the Law of Attraction and how our thoughts create our reality. The fact that we are all creators by what we think about most often. I read a lot of Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale who understood the power of Continue reading →
Too many small business owners, salespeople, realtors and insurance agents spend their precious time and marketing dollars on where their next sale will come from instead of finding the source of their sales. It is like asking for a glass of water instead of asking for the well. If you owned the well, you will Continue reading →
One of the toughest things about being a business owner or entrepreneur is some of the decisions that have to be made rather quickly most days. Especially decisions that can be “make or break” decisions. One of history’s best decision makers was Benjamin Franklin. Franklin had devised a fool proof way to make his important Continue reading →
We have all heard the secret to selling is our talent to telling a good story. In other words, it is about story selling versus story telling. To be good at sales, we must sell a good story for the prospect to understand, feel and compel them to act or buy. There are 5 important Continue reading →
As a business owner or entrepreneur, when asked the question do you need a coach or a cheerleader? How do you respond? It is football season so both coaches and cheerleaders are more visible than usual. Obviously successful teams need a coach and some a cheerleader. They seem so different, but each has a specific Continue reading →
So many people are on social networking today. Be it Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. It is a huge part of our lifestyle now. Business people, salespeople and insurance agents all know the potential of finding business using social networking, but almost everyone does it wrong. Here are 5 problems using social networking Continue reading →
I am always curious about what different people say when meeting a new person at a social event. This is especially true at a business networking event. Is it just a boring question that everyone else asks? “How’s it going?” “How are you?” How’s business?” “How’s life treating you?” All of these ice breaker questions Continue reading →
Are you the type of person that can accept change well? Or do you really love the past or status quo? After all, if you resist change, you are in fact hanging on to status quo or your past. Change can be hard. But to grow to our goals and dreams we must learn Continue reading →
A lot of entrepreneurs have amazing ideas of products and services that solve a litany of problems. So, why do most fall short? Most entrepreneurs are great at inventing, but really fall short in selling. The selling part is as important as the inventing part. You can build the world’s greatest mouse trap, but if Continue reading →
I am often asked by insurance agents how to meet with certain people that are impossible to reach. Those prospects that are large enough and valuable enough to have a gate keeper. That lovely individual that answers the phone or greets your cold call with the infamous “will he know what this is Continue reading →