

Why Reflection is Important

Why Reflection is Important

We always hear from the successful business folks and life coaches to focus on the future and do not dwell in the past. However, I do not believe that is entirely accurate. Jesse Ventura was quoted as “Learn from history or you’re doomed to repeat it.” Without reflection, how can we possibly learn from our Continue reading

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How to Monetize LinkedIn

How to Monetize LinkedIn

I see there are a lot of ways people monetize LinkedIn. Seemingly there are several ways to accomplish this. I see people that purchase LinkedIn ads to sell or recruit. I see those that post direct selling into certain groups. I see those that connect with other business people in their market to bombard them Continue reading

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5 Problems with Social Networking

5 Problems with Social Networking

So many people are on social networking today. Be it Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. It is a huge part of our lifestyle now. Business people, salespeople and insurance agents all know the potential of finding business using social networking, but almost everyone does it wrong. Here are 5  problems using social networking Continue reading

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